In this section you will find lots of helpful information for clients who want to access the services of sex workers. We have also gathered other material to assist people gain a deeper understanding of some of the issues that may, or may not arise, when arranging a sex service in the FAQ section.
Our Policy and Procedural Guide for disability service providers supporting clients to access sex workers is also available in the resources section of our website.
Touching Base is pleased to offer three printed resources for people with disability. All three booklets present clear information about seeing a sex worker, including two social stories. Their purpose is to enhance understanding of the process of accessing sexual services, to improve access to information and inform the decision making process. You can order them at cost price from our online shop.
Touching Base has a Referral List of disability-friendly sex service providers in Australia and limited areas in New Zealand.
The Referral List contains information provided by independent sex workers and commercial sex services premises operators to be shared with clients with disability and their families or support staff if required.
Please click here for more information and to access the Referral Request Form.
This resource has been developed by the Touching Base Committee for clients with a disability and their personal carers. It is also recommended reading for sex workers and other adults. These FAQs contain sexually explicit material of an adult nature.
We are always deeply grateful for any stories that clients or others are willing to share with us. Click here to read client stories.
Everything you wanted to know about the Sex Industry, but were afraid to ask.
Our collection of discussion and submission papers allow you to learn more about potential developments in the field of supporting people with disabilities to explore the sexual lifestyles of their choice and other rights issues at a deeper level.