Touching Base Newsletter October 2023
Catch up with our latest news from the team at Touching Base. |
Potential media training for our members?
As indicated in our Statement sent to individual members on the upcoming Referendum to change the Australian Constitution, we know hearing the voices of marginalised people can influence positive changes to attitudes and beliefs. So we are exploring the idea of setting up a free online workshop/s on the topic of Being interviewed by the media and want to find out if Touching Base members would be interested in learning more about this topic? We especially would like to hear back from people with disability or sex workers who might be willing to share their stories with the public, or as part of our training workshops.
The draft aims of the workshop would be to:
- Learn about different types of media interviews
- Discuss the pro and cons of being interviewed
- Listen to lessons learnt by people with disability and sex workers who have been interviewed by various media
- Explore setting your own interview boundaries
- Share other tips for dealing with pushy journalists or tricky questions
If we get enough interest from our members we look forward to going ahead and developing the workshop in the near future. If you are interested in attending such a workshop/s, please send your Expression Of Interest to
The Touching Base team
The Touching Base team has started having bi-monthly all-in meetings with our tireless volunteers to enhance our connectedness as we share updates on all the amazing advances we are making. Here’s a screenshot of our August online meeting – noting that Carla (Admin) and Meg (Referral List Database Manager) are missing from this group photo. |
From top left: Jill – Committee member; Saul – President; Scarlett – IT Support; Stephanie – Treasurer; Emma – Training Coordinator; Leila – Resources Manager; Kandi – Referral Officer; Rose – Vice President; Ivy – Techie Team member; Samuel – Social Media Manager; Merryn – Committee member; Lachlan – campaign volunteer. |
Do you want to be part of a documentary on NDIS and sex work?
Carly Wilson is a Gold Coast based documentary film maker and also an NDIS support coordinator. She is making a documentary about people accessing (or trying to access) sexual services via their NDIS plans.
I am particularly interested in speaking with anyone who is currently specifically funded for a sex worker in their NDIS plan or anyone who is actively going through the process to request this. Also would love to chat with any OTs or other individuals who have had success in support letters or reports to get this included in people’s NDIS plans”. |
HireUp Statement on Sexual Activity Support
HireUp, one of the biggest employers of disability support people has officially issued a Statement on Sexual Activity Support. Read their full statement here, or the easy read version here. Touching Base is happy to see such an organisation take an official stance and see this as an advancement to acknowledge that ‘it is a fundamental human right for everyone to make their own choices, learn about their body, explore their sexuality and enjoy sexual relationships and experiences.’
Feel the Vibe Expo
Touching Base is thrilled to be invited to this year’s Feel the Vibe Expo, the first in-person one hosted by Northcott since before Covid.
At Feel the Vibe, you’ll learn about sexuality, sexual health and sexual fulfilment. Join in on the entertainment and learn from industry experts at this welcoming and interactive expo for people with disability and disability professionals. Jill Maginnity will deliver a Touching Base presentation titled: Taking away the taboo – sex work and its importance in the NDIS space.
Located in the beautiful surroundings of Kembla Grange, this event promises to be an extraordinary gathering of industry experts, exhibitor stalls, adult product displays and entertainment. Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to Feel the Vibe with us! Here is the link to Register |
Feel the Vibe expo will be held at The Grange, Kembla Grange (Wollongong) on the 2nd of November, and will run from 5pm to 10pm. |
Resources update
Leila has been leading the resources team to update and create the following resources and we thank everyone who has kindly provided feedback and suggestions on how to improve them.
2nd edition of our P&P Guide. When finished, the 2nd edition of our P&P Guide will bring it up to date with the Australian Disability Service Standards and incorporate suggestions for improvement from people and organisations who purchased the 1st edition.
Scarlet Rd – Atom Study Guide. We have sent the producers of Scarlett Rd doco some proposed changes to the Atom Study Guide for the Scarlet Rd doco to bring it up to date. Once the next version is available will be able to use it to promote the doco to educators from a range of study topics.
NDIS Invoicing and Receipts resource for sex workers. We’ve recently published our NDIS Invoicing and Receipts resource for sex workers, to assist sex workers navigate some of the issues and concerns around invoicing and safety.
FAQ on including sexual services in your NDIS plan. We are also currently working with Northcott to update our collaborative handout – FAQ on including sexual services in your NDIS plan
We will be back in touch soon once we confirm the date and time for our upcoming AGM.
Until then,
All the best from the Touching Base Team
Touching Base endorses The Uluru Statement from the Heart and acknowledges First Nations as the traditional custodians of country throughout Australia, their diversity, histories and knowledge, and their continuing connections to land and community. As Australians all, we respect our nation’s First Peoples, their cultures, and Elders of past, present and future generations.