We are always deeply grateful for any stories that clients or others are willing to share with us. NB: Names have been changed for privacy except where the person has asked to use their real name.
Steve, who lives with cerebral palsy and other challenges, explains how his relationship with a sex worker named Ruth has significantly improved his life. Through various services, including social outings and sexual exploration, Ruth has helped Steve manage pain, boost confidence, and lessen anxiety and depression. He emphasises the importance of consent and argues that sex workers provide essential services for disabled people who may struggle with intimacy. Steve criticizes the NDIS ban on including sex work in plans, arguing it undermines the goal of a “good life” and could lead to increased reliance on other support services. He advocates for reinstating sexual services within NDIS plans, highlighting their crucial role in the well-being and inclusion of people with disability.
Angus shares some of his experiences navigating life as a man with cerebral palsy. Despite Angus’s achievements as a writer, actor, and disability advocate, he struggles to form intimate relationships. Angus describes finding solace and connection with a sex worker, highlighting the importance of sexual supports being available for people with disabilities.
» Romance, slow dance and BDSM
This story combines the experiences of a female client and a male escort.
Stephanie is a 38-year-old woman with cerebral palsy (CP) and a full time wheelchair user.
Holden is a straight male escort on the Touching Base referral list.
» Jono’s Story
Johnathan Bredin has provided a truly compelling personal story explaining why access to sex services should be fully funded under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).
» Charlie’s Story
Charlie has had mixed experiences seeing sex workers. He shares information about the different services he has enjoyed and what other services he has heard about. Charlie is very sex positive. He encourages people to respect sex workers and to communicate what you enjoy.
» Chris’s Story
In his story Chris tells us about his sexual history and some of the struggles he has faced when exploring his sexual desires. Touching Base saw an opportunity to provide Chris with some insights and information about a few of the issues he raised. Chris appreciated our commentary and advice, saying “It all makes sense now I think about it”. Chris has agreed for us to publish our comments about condoms, setting boundaries, masturbation and other sex/relationship options, because he agrees they might be helpful to other people with disability and sex workers facing similar situations.
» Christie’s sexual frustration finds some form of relief
Christie had been extremely sexual frustrated for years but she found the courage to give it a go. She “absolutely loved” her first ‘date’ with Richard, but decided not to go all the way.
» Andy’s visit to a sex worker
Andy’s carer tells us how after initial difficulties with the family, sexual frustrations and extensive negotiation to gain access to money eventually Andy gets what he wants and remembers it too.
» Bill’s Private worker at home
Bill’s carer gives us insights into Bill’s story. Since his accident personal and sexual relationships haven’t worked out so well. Seeing a sex worker didn’t work well for Bill the first time.
» Brad from South Australia blows away a few myths
As a South Australian, Brad talks about attitudes towards the sexuality of people with disability and wants to see the laws around sex work changed..
» Bruce’s First Time
Karen is Bruce’s personal carer. She explains the procedures she went through to arrange consent and finances before making an appointment for a gay male sex worker to visit Bruce at home.
» Clifford shares his years of experience
Clifford generously shares with us some background and memorable moments with sex workers since losing his virginity in Kings Cross nearly 40 years ago.
» Elizabeth gets lucky in a Country town
Because of lower levels of demand, the number of male sex workers providing services to women is usually limited, even in the cities. However, against the odds, Elizabeth found the consideration and compassion she sought in a country town.
» Kids, Sex and Disability – A Parent’s Story
As Elizabeth’s mum, Angie chose to explore beyond her comfort zone to assist her daughter to lose her virginity with a professional.
» Peter shares his secrets from the USA
In jurisdictions where sex work is illegal people with disability face additional barriers and concerns if they want to visit a sex worker.
» Leanne’s “huge step” towards sexual fulfilment
Leanne believes seeing a sex worker regularly can be an important step towards contentment for people with disability. She tells of her journey of sexual fulfilment.
We welcome more stories about people with disability who can contribute to this section of our website. Please contact us at info@touchingbase.org