Touching Base Referral List Officers have the critical role of providing referrals to people with disability and support staff and responding to enquiries via phone or email regarding referrals.
Referral List Officers are required to handle unique enquiries of a highly personal and sensitive nature. They may also be required to address sexual issues that may be challenging for the person making the enquiry to communicate about.
So we are looking for one or two new volunteers who really want to make a difference by becoming a Touching Base Referral Officer. This is engaging and meaningful online work that requires a commitment of up to three hours a week.
If you are interested in applying for this role, please follow this link to the full position purpose and description and instructions on how to apply.
We have two casual vacancies for Ordinary Members on our Committee of Management. We are also succession planning for a new President in the near future. If you would like to talk with someone about nominating for the Committee please contact our President Saul Isbister – Phone: 0499 054 400
All volunteers need to hold individual membership of Touching Base.
If you would like to become a part of the Touching Base team, we are excited to hear from you. Please send your resume and a cover letter to Don’t forget to tell us a little bit about yourself and why you would like to volunteer for Touching Base.
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